Run! There is a black hole spreading and it’s sucking up all the fun and excitement out of your life. That’s how I used to see routines. When I was younger my opinion about them was pretty bad. In my language we say that you ‘fall into routines’ (is that applied to English too? I’m not really sure about it), and I always felt like that’s the fall you don’t want to make. It took me quite a bit of growing up to understand that routines can be good too.
So, in this era when life philosophy fits into YOLO and people have FOMO (fear of missing out), I wanted to give some credits to routines and what they can do for you and your life quality. Versatility is good, but having daily set up routines is the key to getting what you want and achieving your goals, whatever they may be. I see a lot of people being discouraged and giving up on their goals because they feel it’s unachievable or too hard. What I think they don’t see is that there is a long journey before you can arrive to your goals. That journey usually starts with a decision to do or change something and that’s where routines come in handy. That journey I mentioned requires different steps and making them a part of your daily life will certainly make you closer to the finish line. If those steps activities become routines you will slowly but surely start getting results. I used to push myself of the couch and into the gym, but now it’s part of my daily routine. Not only have I become much stronger with my training, but I’ve also overcome the whole annoying part of talking myself into going (there might be a post about that coming up).
I can say I’ve come a long way from that teenage girl that thought routines were bad because she didn’t really understand their power. I don’t encourage anyone to have all of their days planned out and not to leave any space for being spontaneous. No, we need balance in order to feel happy. Set your goals and routines, and have some fun along the way too.
I don’t think I could live my life well without having my daily routines in place, they are so important x
Beauty with charm
I love routines! I try to always stick to them because it really makes life easier! I notice a huge difference when I fall off them! Happy Monday!
Oh, I really needed to read this! I was the same. I thought routine is just not for me, but now I’m trying to include some routine into my life, like exercise, learning foreign language etc. I want to adopt some useful working habits too. It’s very difficult, but step by step I make some progress. I think it’s a key to success.